Thursday, 24 December 2015

Changing the Rules

Who has been in this situation? Everything is running smoothly then.......the rug comes out from under you. What happened? Why wasn't I informed? No one told me??? Something changes and you weren't told before hand!

Ever been to work to find out that there will be a new boss? An unexpected meeting that took up more time than you would have liked and now you have to do overtime to catch up? Perhaps you go to log in to your favorite website and find it is offline? Perhaps you expected to be paid from your employer only to find there will a delay in payments? Maybe you find out that you will not be paid at all......

Life will do this to you. Should you let it go? Should you speak up and complain? Surely someone will listen! What happens when you bring the issue up and it is ignored or dismissed? Maybe we all want to hiss like the cat in the above picture, to the unexpected, and to companies that we think do us wrong.

The point to this being how many complaints does a company need to get a hint that the direction they are heading isn't working. Why should we "Let It Go?" There are more of us than them. It may also be called Unionism. When should companies that think they are so big think they can change the rules without being accountable to those changes? Has anyone heard of disclaimers? Shouldn't users of products be told first before a change happens? It's called emails, bulletins, personal messaging, skyping etc.

If you sell a product as an affiliate, you expect to get paid its as simple as that! For EVERY product. Who would have thought that a company can turn around and say, "it was a sale and we don't pay commissions on sales." No mention of that to the person who bought or sold. A closed board room does not count. It needs to be publicly known. You cannot change the rules to suit your needs at the time. My business is bringing in referrals, my referral pays for a service/ upgrade I get paid.

If the role were reversed and myself, as a traffic exchange owner, does not try to pay an affiliate then, wow, the backlash would be horrific. I pay on ALL my "sales", even the ones on SALE, plus some are heavily discounted and are called one time offers OTOs.

Final thoughts: If everyone morally DID THE RIGHT THING all our community in the traffic exchange and advertising/affiliate business would be booming. There are only a few in this community that make me want to hiss!

Saturday, 5 December 2015

Welcome to your new home CTP badge!

Once upon a time there was a shy lady who didn't want to show her real picture. However, she was using a really cute picture she made for MSN messenger, remember that?

Not knowing any better she continued to use this avatar online for about a year and then found a professional picture of herself to use instead. Having a real picture of herself is the best thing that she could have done for her branding. Someone hiding behind a cartoon will not be as trusted as someone with a real picture. Even worse, is not having a picture at all!

However, for nostalgia sake and the cuteness factor, and this lady absolutely loves cats, she decided to keep this picture cartoon alive and immortalized in a Click Track Profit badge. 

How do you claim this badge? 

2) Subscribe to this blog (FreeRewards4u blog)
3) Expect the badge on the 3rd day
4) Claim the FR4U badge
5) Enjoy your badge!

Monday, 19 October 2015

Reading the Results

Now for the followup to my last blog regarding the ClickTrackProfit Plus1 BadgeHunt.

This time I had to do things a little different. I bought less badges, only 3 and really concentrated my time on them. Alas, I had to think outside the box a bit as one of the weeks I would be taking my son to the Australian National Junior Table Tennis Championships so a daily drive of over an hour each way was going to take a big chunk of my time.

Luckily, I knew this is advance and bought only buy 3 badges. Ok, what did people have to do to receive their badgehunt badges?

For my personal badge I concentrated on this blog. All new subscribers got the link on day 2 or 3. If they were already subscribed they could either join under a program as my referral from a set list or send me CTP XP batteries or tokens. All results are for during the dates of the BadgeHunt. Results are below:

New subscribers: 46
Referrals to programs: 5
Tokens: 30 plus
XP batteries: 30 plus

For people that like to monetize that: It cost me $25 for a badge.
At CTP every 10 tokens costs $1 to buy. Tokens: $3 back
XP batteries cost 10 tokens to buy 1: cost 300 tokens to buy 30 XP batteries. 300 tokens to buy cost: $30
I have made a profit "in theory" without taking into consideration the subscribers and referrals.

The other badges are for my 2 Traffic exchanges I co-own. For both badges people had the option to purchase for the badge for each TE.
MoneymakersXchange is a new TE so we just needed referrals and surfers. The best thing we decided to do was have people surf the site for the badge. Nice and easy to set up also.
New members : 76
Sales: Over $100.
For Rewards4Surfing this is the 2nd time it has been involved in a badgehunt. I rotated the ideas from the last badgehunt depending on how much time I had. So I asked for Facebook likes (I got 14 in one day). The R4S skype room: 2 new members, surfing etc
New members: 70
Sales: Over $200

Also, I can't believe I made it into the Top 75 to win cash PLUS my CTP team won also! That's $10 back so far! 128 badges I personally collected. Out of a possible 181.

In conclusion, another successful ClickTrackProfit badgehunt which will help any program owner with their promotions, affiliate or a blogger like myself. A highly recommended promotion tool!

Saturday, 19 September 2015

The latest CTP badge hunt just days away

Click Track Profit are again organizing another great badge hunt. Starts in a few days. Are you ready?

This time they are giving out the following prizes: The top 75 members that claim the most badge hunt badges each get $5!

On top of that during the event they are giving out tons of CTP XP randomly when members collect the badges!

They will be giving $5 to each member of the team that claims the most Badges!

Yes again I will be giving away a badge, the following badge:

Short but sweet thought for today: The badge hunts are still a great strategy to help build your lists online ;) There is no limit to how many people you can have on your list so why not keep it growing. It is easy to buy a badge to trade to get people on your list. The hard part is getting them to stay subscribed!

Good luck hunters!

Kris Rogers

PS. There are also 2 traffic exchanges I co-own that will have badges to be found. Click on the banners below and join to be ready...

*******if you want badge #40 I have the Bucket of Banners banner exchange at the bottom of this site! *****

Monday, 17 August 2015

8 months on: A progress report

So it has been eight months since Rewards4Surfing launched. I am now the sole owner and the site is now my responsibility. (edit: Now Randy Tessar is also coowner)

This is a follow up on the post below:

I am still enjoying the daily challenges that being an owner brings.

Remember the key points?


Yes. This is still a great thing to do. 

I  am still a team leader at Click Track Profit. I still use Skype and Facebook. Skype particularly is my program of choice. I have chatted with other TE owners, future owners, teammates and surfers. I continue to learn new things and share ideas among peers. Connecting through promos with other owners has been an icebreaker. I think any TE would suffer without networking. Rewards4surfing also has a dedicated Skype room and it is easy to network there. I recommend all owners use Skype for communicating as well as email. I like the way it is instant messaging. I also make myself available for instant messages from members. To help them with any issues that may arise.


Members are your list! However, I choose to only email site updates and promotions. I have the normal email for becoming a member as well as a separate autoresponder list that they join during their optin process. Rocket Responder is my autoresponder by choice. You get a free trial month to start with. It is packed with features where I can make instant important announcements and schedule followups. I have written a simple email series to members with all Rewards4Surfing site features. In this email series I include special promo codes and a discounted upgrade.


Well you have to host your site somewhere! R4S had to upgrade and change servers since launch. As long as your site can handle the Daily Challenge at Click Track Profit then it's all good. This part all depends on the owner. It depends what features you want your site to have.

Here are some of my associated monthly costs:

Offerbang (log in offer design)
Coop MG Top Surfer Certificates
Zubee Coins from ZubeeZone
Also, commissions!

Plus there are other advertising costs for certain promotions such as Sub game/ Vault and Key, extra zubees to giveaway, Traffic Profit Pro,  Zubee Surf party, Promoslice events, Magical Journey Downline builder promos etc.

Roughly $170 + per month is spent.

These promos also become advertising platforms as well as the regular promotions through members and myself promoting at other traffic exchanges.


What I  understand is that with the business of the daily grind the need arises for organization. I have had to find a system that works for me so I don't forget things. Distractions happen daily. I have ideas that I need to write down. I need to remember to do this or that. I have an A4 exercise book for my "to do" year I may actually buy an A4 daily diary/calendar. Also, I use the Google Calendar app and the Rewards4Surfing Promo calendar.

Oh yeah, I do actually find some time and surf too!


Thank you to all my members and those that support Rewards4Surfing. I will continue to be the best owner I can be. In reading this please use the Promo Code R4Sthanksyou

Friday, 19 June 2015

The Result are IN!

What a busy 2 weeks it has been! But so worth it! Badge hunts are all about the connections and list building and surfing and I am sure I fulfilled these requirements. This time was also about team work and sharing strategy. Thank you Team Phoenix I think we did rather well there also.

I knew that my time would be limited in badge hunting as I have 7 badges to give out to people so this time I made it simple to collect my personal badge. Simply either subscribe to this blog or join a program from a list of sites or bribe me with some CTP goodies!


I collected 176 badges myself.
Won $1 under the badges, and XP too numerous to mention.
Gained 65 new subscribers.
8 new referrals to programs.
27 XP batteries
90 CTP tokens

It did cost some money to buy a badge but I am happy with the result and will buy at least 1 badge for the next one! Plus, its just plain FUN!

Saturday, 30 May 2015

Its Bills Badgehunt Time

Click Track Profit are again hosting a badgehunt where many people have bought badges for you to find. This is a great time to be a part of a CTP team.
The person who collects the most badge hunt badges will receive a $500 cash prize! if it's a tie, we'll split the prize amongst the top collectorsOn top of that during the event we'll be giving out tons of XP randomly when members collect the badges! We'll also be giving out cool prizes to the teams that collect the most badges as a team!
There is more information HERE at the ctpteams blog. Which also states:
When I say epic I mean there are 240 badges will be up for grabs, a huge $500 top cash prize, multiple random cash giveaways and millions upon millions of CTP XP to be found during the 2 weeks of the hunt.
OK so you are here to find out a way or ways to receive my badge?
It looks like this: and is badge 155:

Oh, you can't claim it yet you have to subscribe to the blog! See that box to the right which says "Subscribe to FreeRewards4uBlog"? Fill in your details and CONFIRM your email address. In a couple of days a badge code will arrive to your email address you signed up with.

Easy as that! What? You are already a subscriber? Look out for emails from me for ways to get my badge.

Good luck in the hunt!

Monday, 18 May 2015

Claim your Ca$H here!

Want a nice way to earn some commissions? Some traffic exchanges have an incentive to get you to surf. Try Surfer Rewards and/ or Special Promos. Surfer Rewards can be claimed EVERY day and some give CASH after surfing the required amount of pages. Special promos are joint promotions with at least 2 Traffic exchanges. You will have to surf BOTH these exchanges the required amount to claim the reward/cash.

The following is a video I have put together to show you how its done!

By the way if you are interested Rewards4Surfing and Magic Of Traffic have a promo together the 3rd Monday of every month. Claim 10 cents at BOTH sites when you surf 150 at each site.
Go get that money!
Kris Rogers

Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Banners anyone?

Banner advertising is a little underrated sometimes. Yet have a look at any website with a large following and I am sure you will see at least one strategically placed.

Here is the clever part....Banners sometimes DON'T have to be looked at or clicked to help you generate advertising for YOUR website! Let's hope they will be though :) Just include a small piece of code on your website and join a banner coop. There you go, free advertising for you at other websites all over the internet. If you scroll right to the bottom of this blog page you will see two banners. This is an example of sites with banner coops that I have just discovered.

1) Join a program with a banner exchange like TrafficG and Bucket of Banners.
2) Copy and paste some code on your website or blog.
3) For each view of someone elses banner on your site you get views to your banner

Happy banner-coop-ing!
Kris Rogers

PS. Thanks Angel Valenciano for the banner exchange idea!

Thursday, 12 February 2015

The Million $ Question

How to be Financially Free!

Check out this cool video that I came across which shows the simplistic analogy between the "entrepreneur" and the  "9-5er"

Which do you aim to be?

Remember to always look for the Pipeline opportunities. Always look to do a better job and look to your future. Work smarter and not harder!

If you want more information:

Get the book below!
Parable of the Pipeline

Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Blogs on Video

Do you want to convert your blog post or e-book to video? Or any text you like? Well now you can! This is a little discovery that I made to help your marketing and advertising. 

Best of all there is a FREE TRIAL! Convert all sorts of written URL, webpages and online text to spoken video format. You don't even need a camera to use this. 

It can instantly share to Twitter, Facebook and YouTube.

And just for reading this blog you can get yourself 50% off an upgrade. Of course you get this FREE to try! If you do upgrade here is a 50% off coupon for you: AVR2-FREEREWARDS4U

Below is my last blog post converted to video:
Here is the link to join Article Video Robot

I hope you enjoyed my last blog as video.

Again, take the free trial to play with and have some fun!

Kris Rogers

Thursday, 29 January 2015

From surfer to owner: What you need to know before you leap

What a big jump it has been! One that I feel I have transitioned into nicely if I can say so myself.

Surfing is a solo effort. You are not known to anyone. You don't even need a picture of yourself to start. Most people will stay at this stage.


However, to progress to being owner of a program I suggest going to the next phase, networking. Join programs like Click Track Profit, CashSurfingNetwork, or many other community online groups. Get to know people. This will NOT happen overnight. Allow at least a year to settle in to the community and learn as much as you can. It took me a year just to show a picture of myself online. I was worried about identity and very shy. But with a real picture of yourself people can identify you and get to know you and what you are about. Identity is important. It's your brand and image. All you are and do is linked to this one image. It's your icon.


Networking then can start through interacting with others. Chat. Join teams. Be social! Joining a team was one of the biggest steps for me online besides getting my profile picture out there. You get to know fellow team-mates, set common goals, exchange ideas etc. Perhaps become a team leader like I have. Opening a Facebook, Skype, and Twitter account also helps communication.


Start blogging and create a following by building your list. In that way people can follow your progress. People also can get to know you through your blog.

Be creative and think outside the box. Being creative and loving new ideas and concepts are great assets to include in your repertoire. The ability to learn new skill sets is another one.


Create a business name (your domain name) will cost you money. Try to get a dot com ending if you can. I use GoDaddy (Use code: WOWFR4U for 35% off) to buy domains. Find a hosting site also. Be prepared for the things that WILL cost money. Spending money is the first step to making some! Some other associated costs with a traffic exchange are: buying a script licence, Paypal fees, a graphics package so you have a nice design on your site, any extra features to your site you may want to buy, and then there is advertising....


After setting it all up there are changes to do, support tickets to answer, promos to run, sales packages to make. The fun never stops! However, I chose to not do all this alone though. This halves the prices of things but the profits are also shared. If you go down this road, to make sure things are shared, you can keep track of spending in a spreadsheet that both can share online. Google Drive has many online documents you can create and edit and share together for this purpose.


Best things to do next is GET OUT THERE. Advertise! Track your advertising. Make your own advertising pages through a site like Adkreator. Email your list often. I decided to use a separate autoresponder to have a "special list" who opt-in for special bonus offers and promos. I use this separate autoreponder because it is just easier to use and and I can have the email sent at a specific day/time. And yes advertising can sometimes cost money too.


By the way the site I am discussing is Rewards4Surfing. A big thank you to all that have helped me in this journey that I continue to take.