Wednesday, 25 December 2013

My Journey towards a Merry Christmas

To all my subscribers......and potential subscribers.....

As some of you know I have put forward an application for the #TimTechCeo competition. Anyone has the opportunity to be CEO at TimTech (CTP, Nerdbux etc) for 3 days. Also, as I believe, it is a paid position. 

Below is my YouTube Video:

Please visit Twitter and vote for me by retweeting and adding it as a favorite :) Search for #TimTechCeo and you will see all the entries. You may even want to apply yourself?

I have been around online for just under a year and a half. I am a relatively quiet person who doesn't like to stand out in a crowd. I began with a cartoon picture of myself because I was too shy to put up a real picture. However, with getting to know quite a few of you now and with your encouragement and support I finally put up a real picture. That was a big deal to me, both elements. I am so thrilled to be a part of a great community of like minded people. Step by step I felt a bit more comfortable, even making a few comments on the Spreecasts. I now regularly comment on blogs and in forums. All of this has helped my confidence. For those in my situation it is ok to go slowly, but go forward, observe. We aren't that scary. Comment on  profiles, friend people you have never met, email your downline, say hello in chat! I was very hesitant at first to do these things. Now I have a recorded step is a live one on Spreecast I know :)

When I first heard about the competition I dismissed it. Who would want me as CEO? I have hardly any experience offline or online. I don't own a traffic exchange or paid to click program. Just this blog and my website called FreeRewards4u. I don't know much HTML or BBcode.  I am a qualified Librarian and have done a university degree in Library and Information Management. Therefore, I know how to ask Google for the information I need. I know how to learn.

THE BORING DETAILS: All I kept hearing was "get out of your comfort zone" and "be seen" and "be creative." For some reason Christmas songs were everywhere. Then I made up my own lyrics to a well known one. The lyrics sat there for a while. I still wasn't going to do anything even at this stage. There is always a "what if" thought that pops up. What if they don't like me? What if I'm being too silly? My biggest fear perhaps is "What if I win?" Logistics? Timezone differences? Lack of sleep? I told my husband about the competition and he loved the part where I said I would get paid. I showed him the lyrics and he made a good point....I had invested all this time to do the lyrics it would be a waste to do nothing. He even found me the instrumental music and somehow I put it all together. At least now I'll be known as "memorable" and people know what I look like. I am not just a picture. It may be a bit overkill for my debut video, the singing and all...Lastly, I did this for fun. I did this for me. I proved to myself I can "get out of my comfort zone," and live, perhaps with some anxiety :) 

So this is my journey thus far. This blog post seems like a diary but I hope you got to know me a little better. Enjoy my video and Merry Christmas!

Kris Rogers

Guess whos turned one?

Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Living with Aspergers

According to Wikipedia :
Asperger syndrome (AS), also known as Asperger disorder (AD) or simply Asperger's, is an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) that is characterized by significant difficulties in social interaction and nonverbal communication, alongside restricted and repetitive patterns of behavior and interests.

How does this relate to me? My eldest son Mitchell who is just about to turn 15 has this. It seems like our house revolves around his moods sometimes. If he's happy he lets the whole world know by being silly. If he's bored there's trouble. He doesn't cope with being bored that well. Just as well he has a laptop and a table tennis table (his focus). Generally, whatever he thinks comes out the mouth.  His poor younger brother usually gets the brunt of this. At school Mitch's an angel and the teachers love him. He doesn't like to get into trouble there. His friends and teachers know he has Asperger's. He knows who else has it. It's not a secret. It is something that is a part of him.

How does this relate to net marketing? Sometimes we all have a bit of Asperger's in us. Let me explain some traits.

Trait 1: I don't care what anyone thinks of me. I could go outside in my pyjamas and not care. As long as I'm comfortable. We love to work at home. Why? Partly because we are creatures of comfort. We can be ourselves at home. We want to stand out, well our advertising anyway. However, we should care a little what people think of us. This is because we are trying to be social net marketers. If people get to know and trust us they are more likely to "buy" or "join" your program. 

Trait 2: Passionate about their obsession. Can you really not let the world know something your excited in? Our "business" should be our obsession. We should be passionate about it. Tell everyone! These days there are many advertising platforms that are free. These include Facebook, Twitter, traffic exchanges, paid to clicks, safelists, forums etc. It's like smiling over the phone. People pick up your happy "voice" even when they can't hear it.

Trait 3: Perfectionism.  Everyday practise, practise, practise. No matter how frustrating it is to practise. This can be in the way of making splash pages etc, an example, perhaps is making them with Adkreator. Test them in a program like Sweeva where surfers can interact and give their feedback of your site. You can also track the results of your pages from a site like Over time you should a feel with what works and what doesn't.

Trait 4: Impatience. Lacking the understanding that to be perfect takes time and effort. Slapping together a splash page takes some effort. Stop the sloppy spelling / grammar mistakes. Can we read the words with THAT background?

Trait 5: Not so social. Lacking empathy? Do you play well with others? The last thing we want is people just in it for themselves and not helping others. Put yourselves in a new referrals shoes. One example is Click Track Profit or SFI. Initially some sites are a bit overwhelming and some guidance is required. When I first joined CTP I didn't even feel comfortable messaging my upline/ sponsor for advice. They probably thought my question was stupid anyway. Make friends and share badges on CTP! Therefore, help early, and engage your referrals early. Just a hello for a start is also an ice breaker.

Trait 6: Telling it like it is. I don't notice the stares. If people ask for an opinion about a splash page or program please tell the truth. Or provide advice for improvement. For a program I don't want to hear "oh, yes I made such and such per week" when in fact you didn't. 

Trait 7: Sensory. Distractions. Can you "feel" it? Do you want a video or background music with that splash page to get attention? However, if they don't have catchy music they can get distracting and annoying.

Trait 8: Early coordination issues. One step at a time to develop this. Log in to your main programs everyday. Attend Spreecasts. Learn. Grow. Did you know there are recordings of all of them? Subscribe at Or view the calendar of other TE related events HERE! Find your peers. Develop that list. Start that blog. Say hello to people in chat. Go through the Click Track Profit Training.

Trait 9: Routine. What time is it? Try to follow a routine. I have a list of sites to go to through on Google Calendar. It includes my essential surfing including my traffic exchange and Paid to Click sites. If I have referrals at these PTC sites I don't want to miss out on the commission. Once in a routine you may be able to find ways to quicken your surfing to explore other options like commenting on blogs :) or in a forum. Traffic Browser can help out with the traffic exchanges.

In conclusion, we all have Aspergers to a degree. Some more than others. It can be a good thing! Its a worry though because I heard Aspergers is hereditary!
What would the world be like without people with Aspergers?

Please feel free to leave a comment or add to this discussion.
Kris Rogers

Come and join the great new paid to click from the owners of Legacy Hits! Supported by TimTech.

Thursday, 28 November 2013

Net Marketing Forum

Listening to TE Live 4pm EST weekdays helps me become aware of the new sites that are popping up in the traffic exchange industry. Yes, I may not be there live but I listen to it afterwards on Spreecast. The time it is on in the Americas is "getting the kids ready for school hour" in South Australia. The Net Marketing Forum is one of these new sites. It is a site highly recommended by TimTech and Jon Olson (administrator) and now me! 

Net Marketing Forum is generally a free-for-all channel to express opinions on making money online including the traffic exchanges, paid to clicks, mailers etc. There is and Rant and Rave section, a section on Blogs where I can now tell everyone I have a new blog post, payment processors, Payza being a hot topic in that one, and there is even a section on referrals where you can post your links or swap referrals!

Some of my contributions

Limiting page views:

"I think every TE needs both types of people to surf. The few that surf lots of

 pages and lots that surf few. The main issue is moving the traffic (credits) 

that is there. There are TEs that have little site movement and credits take 

forever to be used and there are others that as soon as they are deposited 

they are gone. Its the happy medium in the middle that is needed. Balancing 

act of the motivations and incentives the owners provide to get things 

moving. A surfing competition here, and log in bonuses there. All good! No 

limits TEs need you....."

200K members in Nerdbux:

How long do you guys think Nerdbuxs will last? Just curious since I don't want to start something that may shut down in the future and lose the time I invested. 200k members Grats ^_^ must be doing something right so I'm not really worried more curious than anything else.

"Nerdbux has very trusted admin called TimTech and have been around for 11 

years. They own and run several large traffic exchanges and other services 

online. I have upgraded for life in all their sites. Thats how much I trust them. 

There reputation comes before them and are highly regarded by many people. 

I say they will will here for many years to come  :)"

Get referrals using Downline Builders:

"How successful are downline builders to get referrals? They are great for 

promoting ONE link to get many referrals for many programs. I have a couple 

of Downline Builder programs on my website. You can also add your link/ 

banner to my website and promote your site FREE. Details on my website by 

clicking the banner below. (FREE PROMO PAGE) 

Downline builder website link:"

Emails that don't have a Clickable Link:

To all those webmasters and admin out there...

"Whenever you send an email to your list please have a link directing me to 

your website.  Its a time saving element for me, instead of having to type the 

address in the bar. This includes whenever I get a referral email, or promo 

code, every time please!"

What is the Deal with Rented Referrals:

"I am very happy with the rented referrals at Nerdbux. It has helped that 

we earn with micro ads also. The more ads available for the referrals to click 

on the better. 

I try to increase my RR by one or more everyday and my other RR pay for 

this. I turn on autopay so I am only keeping the RR that click. I let the RR 

with little/no clicks expire. I have about 70 at the moment and thank you to

all of them who ever they are. I sometimes earn enough to get a micro ad 

paid for. Striving to take my RR to about 100 soon."

Traffic Swirl in Downline thread:

Traffic Swirl is my biggest paying traffic exchange. Come and get your 

cash daily. I have paid for my lifetime upgrade within a year. There are all 

kinds of cash give aways as well as contests and promotions to help 

you make money online with active admin. 

It's totally free, easy, and fun.  :)

You can join here

I hope you will visit this forum soon and stop by to say hi. 

You can also add a signature to every post you make which 

increases your online presence.

Don't forget you can add your link FREE to my website:

Feel free to add your comments below.

Thursday, 31 October 2013

Its over!

I feel like this cat, sad and grumpy! I'm sad its over. I'm grumpy because I thought my badge was very easy to get and I was expecting more people to grab it!  Next to the kitty is my badge that I paid for to be a part of Spooktacular. I'm tired from the surfing over the last 10 days. I managed to collect 151 badges myself. My housework has been neglected. It is exciting though to wake up in the morning to see which people have joined my list or program I advertised.

I may have to work on my branding. I am still an "unknown" in this industry. Any help would be gratefully accepted. How could I have done this better? I even advertised with a fixed ad on Nerdbux.  Of coarse with good results and getting over 30 thousand hits. Also, a little satisfied with my efforts. I have a Nerdgrid ad and got 33 referrals for Click Track Profit during this time. 

My website I was promoting is HERE! I made it through EasyHits4U free splash page. I really should upgrade at AdKreator so it looks a little more professional! It was more an informative page and I wanted people to be able to see all the instructions on one page.

Overall, here are my stats: (some people joined more than just my elist!)

People who collected my badge: 52
Signups to my Newsletter/list : 49
Other programs signup: 9
Upgraded: 1 lifetime (this alone paid for my spooktacular badge)

If anything this has been a good branding experience for me. Would I buy another badge next time! Definitely YES!

Thursday, 17 October 2013

Remember E-Gold?

I used to be a member of Egold  when I started earning money online about 10-15 years ago. Back then, some sites would send you earnings (no matter how small) to your Egold account weekly. Your earnings would fluctuate depending on the price of gold. Does this sound like Bitcoin slightly? Except Bitcoins dont really exist. Egold was meant to backed up with gold in a real vault somewhere.

Anyway Egold got shut down. You can get the full story HERE from Wiki. I recently got an email saying I can recover my money and make a claim to have it recovered. The word "SCAM" did enter my mind but I still have my log in details and so logged in to Egold to see how much is owing to me. A nice sum is sitting there waiting. To all those in the same position as me, be prepared for a "process" of proving your identity. Uploading ID, proving where you live etc. I had a problem with my ID (I simply entered it wrong) because it was knocked back so I questioned them via email. They did reply promptly. After this, and I almost missed it, you log in to another website, and re-provide your details including address, tax and banking details. Now all I have to do is wait for a cheque because the amount is under $1000. It may take a couple of months but its my money and I earnt it.

Its now the 5th of February 2014 and guess what I got a US check in the mail from e-gold! I'm still in shock it actually arrived. Well I hope it doesn't bounce. I will keep you all informed.

Saturday, 17 August 2013

Its Raining referrals

This is no joke. It is raining referrals for me. I've recently been listening to the Spreecasts of Jon Olson and he highly recommends this site to advertise in. The program which I am talking about is called Nerdbux:

Has anyone tried to get Sweeva referrals? I resorted to advertising CTP and Sweeva in tandem at TEs everywhere for these. I needed 5 referrals for the Sweeva Mastery Badge at CTP. This was my motivation to advertise. I bought tonnes of credits everywhere for NIL results. I had to try something else. 

Ok, here are my stats. First, before anything else you have to load money into Nerdbux to use.

At first I advertised in the NerdGrid for $5 a month and got this many hits for the month: 7720. I currently have two other ads there as well with similar stats. So if you want lots of views with a few referrals then this sort of advertising is for you.

However, I then heard Jon talking about the PTC section. So I tried it. This is the section that people click on to get money. Not random rewards, if any, like the NerdGrid. People WILL click on your ad to get money. PTC ads run on how many views you want. For example, 1000 credits means you will get 1000 views. This advertising starts at only $2.40 for 1000 views. You can also target the audience based on country for no extra. It also slows the delivery of ads down a bit which is good. 

The fixed PTC are based on how many days you want your ad to show. They also show a thumb nail of your advertisement. 

OK back to my stats for the PTC section. After purchase you can then load your ad and verify it. Then ALLOCATE how many credits you want to use. They will go down fast if no geographical targeting enabled. 3337 / 28 The first number being the number of views so far and the second number being freebies when people are not logged in. I used a and got heaps of conversions (clicks) on my ads. 0.62% conversion rate. This is great when compared with TEs. I advertised the various splashes for CTP as a rotator and this is the average rate.

For the finale:.....12 CTP referrals today alone. 28 referrals for various programs over 3 days BUT I wasn't loading my credits fast enough so there were times they weren't showing. I got my Sweeva referrals finally. Not to mention some are active and using the programs they joined. 

It's exciting waking up and wondering how many referrals I got during the night. I can't recommend Nerdbux enough to advertise in.

Until next time
Kris Rogers (freerewards4u)

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Been busy hunting, and clicking, and joining

Wow, what a busy June I just had. If you have heard of Click Track Profit (I will write a blog about it some day), then you understand. CTP as people call it, is the best thing to join when you start becoming an internet marketer.


CTP had a month long promotion where 240 badges were scattered over the traffic exchange industry by people who bought them and certain tasks had to be performed to gain them. Hey, $500 for first prize was the catch. I could only manage 204. Some badges were loaded with 50 cent prizes also. I won $5 over the month. I thought that total was great effort on my behalf and the people I got them from must have been thrilled as well. I'll explain.....


I think I clicked and joined more websites than I ever had before. I joined over ten new traffic exchanges and safelists (not my forte). What a bonus for traffic exchange owners to have extra people join their sites and surf more than they would normally do to get the required badge. If CTP did anything like this again I would buy a badge to promote my sites. Well done CTP for your promotion ideas. The Hunt took a lot of my time to get the badges, as well as money to upgrade at some to get a quicker timer. I'm sorry but I'm not a fan of 10 second timers. If people upgrade this timer usually decreases. 

Thursday, 11 April 2013

Traffic Exchanges that have paid me!

I have only been active in traffic exchanges since late 2012. Already I have been paid. Sometimes its a matter of slow and steady to get to payout, sometimes its a contest win. The three sites that have paid me so far is Showbiz Hits, Website Traffic Hog and Traffic Swirl:

SHOWBIZ HITS has some fun contests such as:
Collect the Starman which you can get 1 per day to go into a weekly draw if you claim 5 in a week.
Surf 1000 over 7 days for a drawing.
Surf 300 for a daily raffle ticket.

WEBSITE TRAFFIC HOG has many different contests:
There are frequent surf promos with other traffic exchanges.
Surf 250 or 1500 during a week drawings.
Active new member drawing.
Collecting a certain amount of tokens during the week drawing.
A Login Spotlight Ad Rotator, just surf 25.
And many more.

I already have given information about TRAFFIC SWIRL in my blog here.

The site below is a craft site but I get paid monthly no matter what the amount owing:

Craftsuprint - The Worlds Largest Legal Craft Download Site!

Enjoy your surfing!!!

Saturday, 2 February 2013

Traffic Swirl Updates

Traffic Swirl continues to improve?

I hope it will. Over the last week there has so many changes and interruptions with surfing because of server resets is good to have an active admin. Almost every time I logged in things had changed slightly. It was difficult being in the tournament but most of the time when the interruptions occurred I was in front so it wasn't a huge problem. Check out the changes to go to the admin, John Bell's blog. This is still such a GREAT site. The best Traffic Exchange I belong to so far.