Thursday, 31 October 2013

Its over!

I feel like this cat, sad and grumpy! I'm sad its over. I'm grumpy because I thought my badge was very easy to get and I was expecting more people to grab it!  Next to the kitty is my badge that I paid for to be a part of Spooktacular. I'm tired from the surfing over the last 10 days. I managed to collect 151 badges myself. My housework has been neglected. It is exciting though to wake up in the morning to see which people have joined my list or program I advertised.

I may have to work on my branding. I am still an "unknown" in this industry. Any help would be gratefully accepted. How could I have done this better? I even advertised with a fixed ad on Nerdbux.  Of coarse with good results and getting over 30 thousand hits. Also, a little satisfied with my efforts. I have a Nerdgrid ad and got 33 referrals for Click Track Profit during this time. 

My website I was promoting is HERE! I made it through EasyHits4U free splash page. I really should upgrade at AdKreator so it looks a little more professional! It was more an informative page and I wanted people to be able to see all the instructions on one page.

Overall, here are my stats: (some people joined more than just my elist!)

People who collected my badge: 52
Signups to my Newsletter/list : 49
Other programs signup: 9
Upgraded: 1 lifetime (this alone paid for my spooktacular badge)

If anything this has been a good branding experience for me. Would I buy another badge next time! Definitely YES!


Nick Grimshawe said...

Great to see your results from the promotion and good to find your blog.


Keith Butterworth said...

Those are great results thank you for sharing. Your branding is working as I recognise you!

Best wishes


Tom Wacker said...

Look at you, Kris! Great post, celebrating great results.

FWIW, I think you are making great progress on your journey! Keep on keeping on...

margur2000 said...

Tell the kitty to start smiling.
You got some wonderful results and made some amazing contacts.

Dare to Dream Big,

Kris Rogers said...

Thank you everyone for your encouraging words and advice. I am looking forward to the next big promo at CTP!