Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Tools of the Trade

Before I start this post I am letting you know that I am merging my two websites into this one, so you will notice new menu links. My FreeRewards4u site will not be updated and this blog will be my main site.

So you are new (ish) to online endeavors? What tools can help you accelerate your business? These tools have been or could be a big asset to you for your online business.

All are free to join and can be used as a free member(some with a limited capacity).

A Gmail email address is recommended.
Use Gravatar to upload a picture and many traffic exchanges will use this image.

Click Track Profit is a great starting platform. They provide free introductory training into affiliate marketing.
Learn with Nick has more training videos for CTP.
TELive uses free Spreecasts to help you with online marketing.

Branding yourself is important. It took me quite a few months before I put my real picture on the internet. Brand me Tool helps you to brand yourself and get some cool splash pages made for you already. With Adkreator you can design your splash, squeeze page or banners here. There is no software to download. It is all hosted online.

Ok, so now you have some wonderful sites and splash pages to promote now its a good idea to see how well they are received. Trck.Me tracks your results to see what is working and what isn't. You don't want to waste your time or money or credits promoting pages no one will click on. has more training videos on how to use Trck.Me.

TeCommandPost, I have found out recently, is essential for organization. I use it so I know how many credits I have laying about in all the TEs. Wow, it also lets you know where your commissions are. There are many uses for this program which also stores your Ref links for quick finding. It is also a downline builder and the home of Commando Surf.

RocketResponder is the tool you need to build a list. Your subscriber inputs their details and they are opted in to your list. You can use the code generated here on your Adkreator squeeze page to increase your list numbers. The more the merrier.

Surfing can be done in a normal browser like Chrome, or you can use a browser designed for surfing like  TEBrowser which is quicker. The Legacy Team Coop means you can surf the Traffic exchanges that you use and like but your pages get shown all around the TEs you don't use as well.

Some people say that some TEs are better than others. The following sites use different methods to find out what TEs are the best: Affiliate Funnel, TeHooplaTrafficDeliveryReport, TrafficExchangelist etc.

Blogger/ Wordpress are free to use and you can make a name for yourself online and make your own personal website or blog.

Other useful tools include Dropbox for storage, Skype for information sharing and for being social and Webpage Screenshot.

This is by no means an extensive list of tools but with these few you can do so much.

Have fun building (your brand)
Kris Rogers

P.S. I have added some new links to the top of the page with some more sites I recommend. Join any of these sites and let me know so I can put YOUR banner under the Sign-up box.

Want a list of sites with CTP Badges? Its also a great Downline Builder!


Ken Wolff said...

Excellent post Kris! I just glanced at all of the great resources that you have listed here. Must haves for any serious online business. I will com back and give it a closer look soon. Thank you for all that you do to help others.

hiteshsangani said...

thanks Kris for another great blog I do use most of these tools but should be using more of them on a daily basis I think,your blog wakes me up lol

Deya Hroob said...

Thanks Kris for this post, It really covered all the necessary stuff in any business. They are all helpful.

Thanks again and keep going,

Tom Wacker said...

Hey! Look at you! Nice looking page, I like the change.

And per always when you write, very nice post!

Kris Rogers said...

Thanking you all for your great comments. I appreciate it. I'm actually enjoying blogging and it gets easier to write. For those who are thinking about starting a blog...just do it..You can always edit as you go.