Monday, 17 August 2015

8 months on: A progress report

So it has been eight months since Rewards4Surfing launched. I am now the sole owner and the site is now my responsibility. (edit: Now Randy Tessar is also coowner)

This is a follow up on the post below:

I am still enjoying the daily challenges that being an owner brings.

Remember the key points?


Yes. This is still a great thing to do. 

I  am still a team leader at Click Track Profit. I still use Skype and Facebook. Skype particularly is my program of choice. I have chatted with other TE owners, future owners, teammates and surfers. I continue to learn new things and share ideas among peers. Connecting through promos with other owners has been an icebreaker. I think any TE would suffer without networking. Rewards4surfing also has a dedicated Skype room and it is easy to network there. I recommend all owners use Skype for communicating as well as email. I like the way it is instant messaging. I also make myself available for instant messages from members. To help them with any issues that may arise.


Members are your list! However, I choose to only email site updates and promotions. I have the normal email for becoming a member as well as a separate autoresponder list that they join during their optin process. Rocket Responder is my autoresponder by choice. You get a free trial month to start with. It is packed with features where I can make instant important announcements and schedule followups. I have written a simple email series to members with all Rewards4Surfing site features. In this email series I include special promo codes and a discounted upgrade.


Well you have to host your site somewhere! R4S had to upgrade and change servers since launch. As long as your site can handle the Daily Challenge at Click Track Profit then it's all good. This part all depends on the owner. It depends what features you want your site to have.

Here are some of my associated monthly costs:

Offerbang (log in offer design)
Coop MG Top Surfer Certificates
Zubee Coins from ZubeeZone
Also, commissions!

Plus there are other advertising costs for certain promotions such as Sub game/ Vault and Key, extra zubees to giveaway, Traffic Profit Pro,  Zubee Surf party, Promoslice events, Magical Journey Downline builder promos etc.

Roughly $170 + per month is spent.

These promos also become advertising platforms as well as the regular promotions through members and myself promoting at other traffic exchanges.


What I  understand is that with the business of the daily grind the need arises for organization. I have had to find a system that works for me so I don't forget things. Distractions happen daily. I have ideas that I need to write down. I need to remember to do this or that. I have an A4 exercise book for my "to do" year I may actually buy an A4 daily diary/calendar. Also, I use the Google Calendar app and the Rewards4Surfing Promo calendar.

Oh yeah, I do actually find some time and surf too!


Thank you to all my members and those that support Rewards4Surfing. I will continue to be the best owner I can be. In reading this please use the Promo Code R4Sthanksyou